MCCLUSKY, ND – On August 19, 2024, in the afternoon hours, First Responders, County and School officials along with other nearby response groups will be conducting a Full Scale (Hands-on) Exercise to test the response capability in the county. This exercise will focus on County and school Emergency Response Plans for violent situations, the Incident Command Structure, and Communications during a major incident. The exercise will take place at the McClusky High School. Simulated victims will be presented for the First Responders to render care to and coordinate transportation of the victims. For safety reasons, we ask that the public not enter into the designated exercise area or attempt to come to the school during this period. Please do not go beyond the signs which will be posted so the first responders can do their work safely. Thank you.
16 days ago, McClusky-Goodrich Public School
News release for upcoming emergency response exercise
Come join us this Thursday for our annual Back to School Night! Open houses will be at each school from 5pm to 6pm (with registration at the high school), and supper will be provided at the elementary at 6pm. See you there!
20 days ago, McClusky-Goodrich Public School
Back to School Night flyer
Welcome to the new website! Take a look around to find the content you're familiar with. Please keep in mind we are still working to move everything over and will hopefully have it finished up soon.
20 days ago, McClusky-Goodrich Public School